Feb 16th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!
Feb 27th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice
Mar 1st-2nd (The Haven) Reiki Shoden (Level I)
Mar 16th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!
Mar 20th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice
Mar 22nd-23rd (The Haven) Reiki Okuden (Level II)
Mar 24th-28th (The Haven) Take Action with the Angels
Mar 31st-Apr 4th (The Haven) Angelic Co-Creation
Apr 7th-11th (The Haven) Angel Retreat
Apr 17th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice
Apr 27th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!
May 16th-18th (The Haven) Reiki Shinpiden (Level III)
May 18th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!
May 29th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice
Jun 2nd-6th (The Haven) Manna Initiation
Jun 9th-13th (The Haven) Self-care week at The Haven
Jun 28th-29th (The Haven) Reiki Shoden (Level I)
Jul 4th-6th (The Haven) Three-day Reiki Retreat
Jul 7th-11th (The Haven) Take Action with the Elementals
Jul 19th-20th (The Haven) Reiki Okuden (Level II)
Aug 25th-29th (The Haven) Self-care week at The Haven
Sep 26th-28th (The Haven) Reiki Shinpiden (Level III)
Oct 6th-10th (The Haven) Take Action with the Angels
Oct 13th-17th (The Haven) Angelic Co-Creation
From the Pleiades constellation comes this initation of five days. Five days to connect with and advance on your path alongside the Fraternity of Light, in particular, the energy of the Pleiades.It is a perfect time to welcome and integrate the energy of MANNA, an energy produced, ingested, distributed and regulated throughout the body on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and energetic. Its composition is unique to each individual who opens to activate and undertake the process. It nourishes and prepares our body to integrate more and more Light within our being, to shine even brighter in our lives.
During this historic period, when our bodies are requiring higher quality nutrition in face of a world that becomes ever more stressful but which supplies us with food and drink that is less and less whole, MANNA is a tool without equal. The activation of this innate capacity to produce MANNA is effected in 5 days of INTITIATIONS.
June 2nd-6th, 2025 (5 days, The Haven) — Manna Initiation
Duration: 5 days
Time: … to …
Don’t hesitate to contact Kathryn with any questions you may have.
Intense and holding, the protocols followed in the workshop come from the teachings of Christine Day, channel of the Pleïades supporting our evolution here on Earth. The Pleiadian energy, along with other high-frequency expressions of Source together form the Fraternity of Light and vibrate at the frequency of Point Zero, the pure Love state. They offer us thus in gentle invitation the tools which can reconnect us to WHO WE ARE TRULY, helping us to face obstacles and challenges on our individual and collective Life paths with grace, equanimity… and with joy…
The 5 days offer tools of purification and release, of preparation of the physical being to step into our place within the universal network of Light, accepting our own Light more and more each day. This initiation will carry you towards and open you up to your essential nature, and give you the tools to produce MANNA for yourself daily as you consciously connect with your Higher Self for sustenance.
During the initiation, night and day in a cottage, the energy of the Pleiades as the loving support of Mother Earth and her ocean set the scene for healing and grand opening of Spirit, easily accessing your innate capcities and their reactivation, in grace and in alignment with your decision to offer this gift to yourself.