We only truly live through the heart.

Welcome, Lightworker!

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Events to come…

Feb 16th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!

Feb 27th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice

Mar 1st-2nd (The Haven) Reiki Shoden (Level I)

Mar 16th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!

Mar 20th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice

Mar 22nd-23rd (The Haven) Reiki Okuden (Level II)

Mar 24th-28th (The Haven) Take Action with the Angels

Mar 31st-Apr 4th (The Haven) Angelic Co-Creation

Apr 7th-11th (The Haven) Angel Retreat

Apr 17th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice

Apr 27th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!

May 16th-18th (The Haven) Reiki Shinpiden (Level III)

May 18th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!

May 29th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice

Jun 2nd-6th (The Haven) Manna Initiation

Jun 9th-13th (The Haven) Self-care week at The Haven

Jun 28th-29th (The Haven) Reiki Shoden (Level I)

Jul 4th-6th (The Haven) Three-day Reiki Retreat

Jul 7th-11th (The Haven) Take Action with the Elementals

Jul 19th-20th (The Haven) Reiki Okuden (Level II)

Aug 25th-29th (The Haven) Self-care week at The Haven

Sep 26th-28th (The Haven) Reiki Shinpiden (Level III)

Oct 6th-10th (The Haven) Take Action with the Angels

Oct 13th-17th (The Haven) Angelic Co-Creation

(Complete agenda here.)

Individual Sessions in Angel Therapy®

An hour-long meeting with your Angels to receive messages of love and healing.

For more information or to set up an appointment live or by phone/Skype, contact Kathryn.

By appointment only, individual Angel Therapy® sessions create the context to assist you on your spiritual path, and in your day-to-day life, with the help and support of your Angels.

Before each session, I call on your Angels who provide information and shed light on your current life situation, spiritually, and on all levels.

During the hour-long session, we will be guided in our work, which will be tailored to your individual needs. You will leave revitalized (and maybe a bit tired — lol), with clear guidance and daily practice suggestions which will help you to communicate directly and effectively with your Angels.

Location: Paris or close to where a Take Action with the Angels workshop session takes place.

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