We only truly live through the heart.

Welcome, Lightworker!

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Events to come…

Dec 8th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!

Dec 12th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice

Jan 4th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!

Jan 16th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice

Feb 16th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!

Feb 27th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice

Mar 1st-2nd (The Haven) Reiki Shoden (Level I)

Mar 20th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice

Mar 22nd-23rd (The Haven) Reiki Okuden (Level II)

Mar 24th-28th (The Haven) Take Action with the Angels

Mar 30th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!

Mar 31st-Apr 4th (The Haven) Angelic Co-Creation

Apr 7th-11th (The Haven) Angel Retreat

Apr 17th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice

Apr 27th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!

May 16th-18th (The Haven) Reiki Shinpiden (Level III)

May 18th (Internet) A Virtual Angel Party!

May 29th (Internet) Virtual Reiki Practice

Jun 2nd-6th (The Haven) Manna Initiation

Jun 9th-13th (The Haven) Self-care week at The Haven

Jul 4th-6th (The Haven) Three-day Reiki Retreat

Jul 7th-11th (The Haven) Take Action with the Elementals

Aug 25th-29th (The Haven) Self-care week at The Haven

Oct 6th-10th (The Haven) Take Action with the Angels

Oct 13th-17th (The Haven) Angelic Co-Creation

(Complete agenda here.)

Angel Healing Practitioner (AHP)

Becoming an ANGEL HEALING PRACTICTIONER (AHP) is not a career move like any other.

It is the call of the Soul, an unslakeable thirst to be at the service of others, of the earth... at the service of Love.

Kathryn currently trains Practitioners in Europe and in the US.

The training has its roots in the training Kathryn did with DOREEN VIRTUE to be certified in ANGEL THERAPY, but includes an angelically-inspired evolution from that base.

If the Breath of Life, through the ANGELS, inspires you in this direction, the training has three parts:

  1. LIGHTWORKER TRAINING - Take Action with the Angels (AT THE BEACH, IN THE CITY...): Three days (trans)formation to open up to ANGELIC assistance on our path, for ourselves and for others. PREPARATION APPRENTICESHIP, PRACTICE.

  2. ANGELIC CO-CREATION : Three days to go deeper, Angelic Co-Creation, to reinforce and consciously create the template for co-creating the LIFE that awaits us with our ANGELIC partners. Deepening energetically, Initation to service... an unforgettable step on the spiritual path.

  3. CLINICAL PHASE / PRACTICE - 25 SESSIONS using the tools learned in the two trainings to be documented for the purposes of certification. Access to Kathryn supporting the work of these sessions as needed or desired. Upon satisfactory completion of the 25 sessions, the certification as an ANGEL HEALING PRACTITIONER is completed.

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